Comp 1

Comp 1


The imagery used in this comp is that of a vintage theme. Some of the images are muted. The feathers will act as a fixed element at the bottom of the webpage and all content will scroll behind it.


All the colors coordinate with each other in this vintage inspired comp. Colors from the background are continously used for text colors and div box colors. All photos used are retro photography or made to look like it. The fonts are inspired by retro themes and the overall mood throughout.

Comp 2

Comp 2


The imagery used in this comp was cropped to intensify the drama of the woman's stare. Her eyes, lips, and different sections throughout the webpage have been colorized to keep the mood interesting.


The same color pallete has been used throughout. The display font is a circus themed font and is paired with the gothic font to go along with the "Circus Asylum" theme. The tents at the bottom of the page will be fixed and content will scroll behind it. Shattered glass and grunge textures are incorporated in many ways throughout.

Comp 3

Comp 3


The imagery used in this comp all relates to icy, blue themes. The mountain will be the fixed element on the bottom of the page. Blue, frost, and linear textures have been incorporated into the design.


Blue and white colors are repeated from the tips of the mountain to the color of the titles.